If you would like to list an event, please reach out to info@hiceec.org!

HIES Lifelong Learning Sundays @ 2

Zoom , Canada

SCOTT KOVACS of First Credit Union Tips and thoughts around personal finances, RSP and TFSP. via Zoom Register:  hieslifelonglearning@gmail.com Suggested donation for each session is $6., or $30. for the winter program of six sessions. Payments can be e-transferred to hieslifelonglearning@gmail.com or by cheque payable to HIES, and left at the Free Post.


HIES Lifelong Learning Sundays @ 2

Zoom , Canada

In the Footsteps of David Thompson Join brothers, Doug and Wayne Bouey, as they take us on their joiurney following the route of David Thompson over the continental divide to establish the fur trade on the Columbia basin. via Zoom Register:  hieslifelonglearning@gmail.com Suggested donation for each session is $6., or $30. for the winter program […]
