If you would like to list an event, please reach out to info@hiceec.org!


Island Wide Hornby Island, BC, Canada

HIES AGM - zoom in Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 23rd at4:00 pm via Zoom.  Here is the link to the meeting.  Attached is the Agenda for the meeting and the Draft Minutes from last year's meeting.  We hope you'll join us. Here is the Zoom link: Topic: HIES Zoom […]

Christmas on Hornby

Island Wide Hornby Island, BC, Canada

Hornby Christmas activities Hornby Christmas Fair at the Community Hall, November 26th Ringside Market Merchants, downtown Hornby, celebrate the Christmas season Direct from the artists, at their home studios, tour Nov. 26 Gift certificates for health & healing.  See the health and healing section of this website

Indoor Market

Hornby Island Community Hall 4305 Central Road, Hornby Island, BC, Canada

Indoor market

Indoor Market

Hornby Island Community Hall 4305 Central Road, Hornby Island, BC, Canada

Indoor market

Christmas on Hornby

Island Wide Hornby Island, BC, Canada

Made on Hornby Christmas Faire Saturday November 25 at the Community Hall. Please phone Colleen Work to reserve your table 250-335-2361.


Zoom , Canada

HORNBY ISLAND HOUSING SOCIETY HIHS AGM - zoom in Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday, November 26th at 3 pm via Zoom. Guest speakers:  Daniel Arbour & Angeleah Hoeppner Contact the Board for the ZOOM LINK,  the Agenda for the meeting and the Draft Minutes from last year's meeting. WRITE:  hornbyislandhousing@gmail.com  


Zoom , Canada

HORNBY ISLAND EDUCATION SOCIETY HIES AGM - zoom in Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 29th at4:15 pm via Zoom. Contact the Board for the ZOOM LINK,  the Agenda for the meeting and the Draft Minutes from last year's meeting. WRITE:  hiesboard@gmail.com  

Indoor Market

Hornby Island Community Hall 4305 Central Road, Hornby Island, BC, Canada

Indoor market