If you would like to list an event, please reach out to info@hiceec.org!

Spring Celebration at Livingland

Livingland Farm 4555 Fowler Road, Hornby Island

  Tree Whispering available next week April 1st Reserve your free spot on eventbrite or email info@hornbyarts.com - as spots are limited: 'Spring Celebration at Livingland Farm Poetry • Music • Dance This special gathering features poet and "Tree Whisperer" Harold Rhenisch Carpooling and biking recommended By donation

North Island Agrologist Thom ODell

Donny Farris Community Garden

Event by Hornby Island Farmland Trust Society 1765 Sollans Road, V0R1Z0 Duration: 2 hr The role of an agrologist is to help farmers become more economically viable and environmentally sustainable. Our local north island agrologist, Thom O’Dell, is extremely knowledgable and experienced. Besides earning a Ph.D. in Botany and Plant Pathology he has had decades of […]