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Hornby & Denman High Speed Internet Referendum – Vote!
November 27, 2021 @ 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Voting Day | Date | Location | Voting Hours |
Advance Voting | November 17, 2021 | 770 Harmston Avenue, Courtenay | 8:00 am to 8:00 pm |
Special Voting | November 24,2021 | Hornby Island Community Hall, 4305 Central Road, Hornby Island | 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm |
General Voting | November 27, 2021 | New Horizons Seniors Hall, 1765 Sollans Road Hornby Island, BC | 8:00 am to 8:00 pm |
There will be an assent vote in respect of the Hornby and Denman Islands high-speed internet initiative. Qualified electors of the proposed service area will be voting on the following question:
- Are you in favour of the CVRD adopting Denman and Hornby Islands High-Speed Internet Contribution Service Establishment Bylaw No. 672, 2021, Denman and Hornby Islands High-Speed Internet Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 673, 2021, and Denman and Hornby Islands High-Speed Internet Capital Contribution Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 678 to authorize the following:
- establish and operate a service for providing capital financing for high-speed internet infrastructure;
- borrow $767,677 to be repaid over a maximum 10 year period to finance the development of the high-speed internet infrastructure; and
- enter into a 20 year agreement with City West Cable and Telephone Corp. to provide up to $760,000 capital financing for the development of the high-speed internet service infrastructure?
For more detailed information, follow the link: https://www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/projects-initiatives/past-current-projects/hornby-denman-high-speed-internet-referendum
Jake Martens, Chief Election Officer or Lisa Dennis, Deputy Chief Election Officer at 250-334-6000 or via email.
To assist with bringing high-speed internet access to Denman and Hornby Islands the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) is proposing to provide a financial contribution to build the “last mile” infrastructure necessary to connect homes and businesses within both communities. This proposal follows a number of important initiatives and grants, including:
- investigation and advocacy by the Denman/Hornby Internet Committee;
- the Connected Coast Project, a $45 million investment to install a subsea fibre-optic cable along coastal BC to connect to landing sites in rural and remote communities; and
- a provincial grant of up $5.6 million to City West, the telecommunications provider and subsidiary of the City of Prince Rupert that proposes to install and provide the high-speed internet service on Denman and Hornby Islands.
As a community contribution is required as part of the grant funding criteria the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) Board gave direction to pursue the development of a service and the necessary financial instruments to provide a capital contribution towards the development of high-speed internet service on Denman and Hornby Islands. The key aspects of this initiative include:
- establishing an eligible service to raise appropriate funds;
- enter into a capital contribution agreement with CityWest Cable & Telephone Inc. (a City of Prince Rupert owned telecommunications corporation that will install the infrastructure and provide internet services);
- borrowing up to 10 per cent of the community contribution amount for the high-speed internet infrastructure.
With the total project costs estimated at $7.6 million, the CVRD’s contribution is projected to be up to $760,000. With the 1 per cent Municipal Finance Authority debt issue expense this provides a total borrowing of $767,677.