- Contact: Dan Bruiger
Born in San Francisco in 1945, Dan is an independent scholar who attended the University of California, Los Angeles and Berkeley, where he majored in astronomy then art. He immigrated to Canada in 1969 and has lived on Hornby Island since 1984. His passion for philosophy began in earnest at age seventeen, with an intuition concerning the Mind-Body Problem that formed the core of an early work, The Rise and Fall of Reality.
Over the years Dan pursued studies with masters in the Sufi, Gurdjieff, and Advaita traditions, trained in Gestalt psychology and relationship counseling, established a cabinet and furniture making business, and later took up figurative sculpture. He studied art in Paris, dances Argentine Tango, and is a member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.
He is a published author, Second Nature: the Man-made World of Idealism, Technology, and Power (2006), The Found and the Made: Science, Reason, and the Reality of Nature (2016).
Dan’s current research interests have returned to art and epistemology. He views art as a kind of complement to science, an essential balancing force to the dominant paradigm of rationality. You can view some of Dan’s sculpture at